In 2019 we created the animated series “Un Mundo Sin”, a web phenomenon that has more than 250 MILLION views. Since the success of the series, we have worked with major international brands and companies that seek to associate with our formats.
Our work starts from conceptualization. We look for disruptive and original ideas that make our audience entertain and think. We work meticulously on the scripts and carry out the animation process from start to finish. We use 2D frame-by-frame animation, which provides a final result full of life and detail.
We work with production companies, digital platforms, music bands and anyone who wants to develop powerful and impressive products. We adapt to the measure of the project, looking for the right talents for each brief to lead it to success.
Naisekai is a small company made up of great professionals with a lot of experience in storytelling. Millions of people around the world have already been moved by our stories.
If you have a lively project and want to work with us, write to us and we will gladly listen to you.